nonu @ 2007.12.28 , 09:38
巴基斯坦前女总理贝布托(Benazir Bhutto)已在一场自杀式袭击中遇刺身亡。贝布托夫人是伊斯兰教国家的第一位女总理,在她离开拉瓦尔品第市的选举现场时,被枪手射中脖子并遭遇炸弹袭击。事件中至少20人丧生,很多人受伤。
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Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated in a suicide attack.
巴基斯坦前女总理贝布托(Benazir Bhutto)已在一场自杀式袭击中遇刺身亡。
Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb.
At least 20 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.
President Pervez Musharraf has urged people to remain calm but angry protests have gripped some cities, with at least 11 deaths reported.
Pervez Musharraf 总统呼吁民众保证镇静,但是愤怒的抗议者们包围了部分城市(滋事),相继有11起死亡报道。
Security forces have been placed on a state of "red alert" nationwide.
There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the attack. Analysts believe Islamist militants to be the most likely group behind it.
Ms Bhutto, leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), had served as prime minister from 1988-1990 and 1993-1996, and had been campaigning ahead of elections due on 8 January.
It was the second suicide attack against her in recent months and came amid a wave of bombings targeting security and government officials.
# 更详尽的报道请浏览 BBC 原文。
# 10月21日,巴基斯坦卡拉奇曾针对贝布托发生自杀式袭击事件。
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