@ 2008.01.22 , 08:00


# 说到抽烟,虽然我个人不太认同烟民们吞云吐雾的嗜好,不过也只能选择尊重他们的权利。作为一个非吸烟者,不知该寄望于渺茫的“禁烟条例”还是烟民的个人觉悟?所以我只能拜托烟民们:行行好,别在公共场合毒害我们这些非烟民了,成不?!
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# Copyright for Jandan.net(http://jandan.net/)

I smoked three packs a day for more than a decade and began smoking at a very young age because I thought it was cool. I stopped smoking briefly as I trained before going into the Army. I smoked my last one when my daughter told me that what she wanted for her 8th birthday was for me to stop smoking.
Haven't touched one since.—by cashman57


# Copyright for Jandan.net(http://jandan.net/)


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