@ 2013.12.05 , 22:04


英国Literary Review 杂志每年都会评出一个科幻小说中的最烂□□剧情奖,名为Bad Sex in Fiction。

今年获得此殊荣的是作家Manil Suri ,在他的作品《The City of Devi》中,让裸奔的超级英雄们在一个正在爆炸的超新星中□□。

"Surely supernovas explode that instant, somewhere, in some galaxy. The hut vanishes, and with it the sea and the sands - only Karun's body, locked with mine, remains," wrote Suri, who as well as a novelist is a professor of mathematics.
在银河的某个地方,超新星爆炸非常的迅速。海边的房子连同海水和沙子一下子消失不见。只有Karun 的身体‘锁在’我身体里。(@oioi:如有翻译错误,请达人指正)


《The City of Devi》是Manil Suri 第三部小说,他之前曾经获得过Barnes and Noble Discover Prize。本文译自 britain-sex-prize,由 oioi 编辑发布。

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