@ 2006.12.13 , 18:12

改变世界的10件 Gadgets

轮子,犁具,枪炮,电灯,收音机,芯片。在人类凌乱的征程中发明创造了许许多多的东西,Wired.com 评选出近代历史上具有变革意义的 10 大 Gadgets!

1. RCA Model 630TS TV (1946)
2. Western Electric 500 Desk Telephone (1949)
3. Kodak Brownie 127 camera (1953)
4. Bell & Howell Director Series model 414 Zoomatic 8-mm Movie Camera (c. 1962)
5. Amana Radarange microwave (1967)
6. JVC HR-3300 videocassette recorder (1976)
7. Atari 2600 video computer system (1977)
8. Sony Walkman TPS-L2 portable cassette player (1979)
9. IBM 5150 personal computer (1981)
10. Motorola StarTac cell phone (1996)

#貌似我们现在没有在 Change the World, 而是在 Waiting the World to Change,哈哈!

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