@ 2010.11.02 , 16:26



纽约艺术家 Janet Zweig 制作了这款名为“Lipstick Enigma(口红之谜)”的店镇显示屏,它由电脑控制产生词句然后再通过步进电机来触发树脂口红(共1200支)来完成显示。它所使用的软件由 Jon Meyer 负责开发,而组句规则则有 Janet Zweig 本人完成。



附上 Lipstick Enigma 最近出现过的句子:
New sprocket, new you.
Totally hot emissions!
Head-to-toe source code.
Defrag his confidence.
Bring out your inner widget.
Engineers tell all!
Allure is cartesian.
Vibrating powermascara!
Modemheads in nerdistan.
Say hello to his compiler.
Techies rule.
Pixelate her personality.
Set points you'll hunger for!
Motorize her vibrantly!
Statisticians in love.
Oscillating cheeks?
Dare to experiment!
Pair circuitry with taste.
Resisting distortion?
Hook up in the matrix.
This year's gamma!
Ecstasy is fissionable.
Hack into me mintily.
Quantify her trust.
Power-up your face.
Deluxe feminine monomers!
Lust is not electrical.
Love in the uncanny valley.
Torque his virtue.
Pair sonar with ego.
Reinvent yourself.
Can't live without input.
10 minutes to firmware.
Debounce my underarms.
Gadget fatigue!
Tired of solder?
Detox distasteful uplinks!

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