@ 2008.05.01 , 23:47


这个视频来自 CollegeHumor,顾名思义,就是一个表现大学生幽默的网站。视频里的美国大男生想象力超群,在短短两三分钟内在画正方体的伪装下,进行了一场大胆天才而又其乐无穷的幻想。但是但是,正在这位Zack同学high的时候,老师冷不丁向这个“认真看书”的男同学提问了……怎么样,是否想起了曾经课堂上熟悉的情景?呵呵。年轻男女呆在一起的确会引起不少复杂微妙的问题,尤其是夏天……

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

提问:拍摄这个视频的摄像机是藏在那里的?最后说cellphone的声音太大是什么意思?不好意思,听力太差,请教各位过路达人。哦,对了,那个老师提问的是:"The most prominent Native American tribe in the French-American war was four?"

相关链接:歌曲Burn Victim Girl (youtube视频)


She doesn't like it when I smoke
Or give the fire a friendly stoke
And when the sun is burning down
We sit in the shade
She says she looks like Frankenstein
I tell her that she looks just fine
It always gives her peace of mind
When I say these words to her
Burn Victim Girl
I love you with feeling
Burn Victim Girl
You are appealing

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